Come Carpentier:
There was a one hour programme on La 6, the 6th TV Channel in France last night at 1 am, May 21st, on UFOs. It was a rather thorought series of interviews of pilots, expert witnesses, military and civilian authorities in France, Belgium and the USA which showed a lot of evidence and concluded that the phenomenon is of extraterrestrial origin. Although the testimonies included evidence that French Air Force Jets carrying nuclear weapons had been followed by UFOs and that many Governments had done their investigations and concluded that the alien objects were intelligently controlled and far above any technical perfornance known to man, the show did not mention a single case of encounter with the pilots of the craft or alien visitors. One of the persons questioned was Fife Symington, as part of the Phoenix Lights event which was discussed at some length with the testimonies of several witnesses. Symington stated on camera that he had done his own investigation and found that the nearby Air Force Base had scrambled two jets to try identifying and engaging the unknown craft although he had not been able to discover what the result of that mission had been.
The conclusion of the show was given by one of the French astronauts who said that it was well known and officially recognised that alien craft exist and that all space missions are intended to try to find out more about them and about alien life in the universe. It was pointed out that, given teh age of the universe, it was natural to assume that certain intelligent life forms should be many millions of years old and more evolved than human beings.
This is one more effort to inform the public and quietly acknowledge the situation and make people famialir with it, without revealing too much.
US Congress discusses extraterrestrial life, but not cover-up
December 5, 2013
On December 4, the House Science Committee on Science, Space and Technology of the U.S. Congress held a session discussing the possibility of extraterrestrial life and what should be done to find space aliens. Titled: Astrobiology: The Search for Biosignatures in Our Solar System and Beyond” the session lasted 90 minutes. The meeting was chaired by Lamar Smith of Texas and featured three prominent astrobioligists from NASA, MIT and the Library of Congress. The questions asked by House members were rather general and vague, sometimes descending into the ridiculous. Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Tex)asked the panel: "Do you think there's life out there and are they studying us — and what do they think of New York City?" Some members of the Democratic Party criticized the meetings as a waste of time. So why did the House hold this meeting at all, and why now?
The answer according to most astrobiologists is that the discovery ofexoplanets makes it certain that there are millions, if not billions of earth like planets capable of hosting life in our galaxy alone. A recent statistical paper found that 22% of sun like stars may host habitable planets. Given the high unlikelihood that so much cosmic real estate would be devoid of life that has shown itself to be so robust on Earth, astrobiologists have basically reached a consensus that it is a only a matter of time before alien life is found. This was the observation of Bill Posey, Republican of Florida who said: "You've pretty much indicated [the discovery of] life on other planets is inevitable…. It's just a matter of time and funding." Posey and other members acknowledged that there needs to be more funding for NASA to build better space telescopes to find exoplanets and support detection programs like SETI to find intelligent alien life out there. Dr Stephen Dick from the Library of Congress challenged the current separation between detecting microbiological and intelligent extraterrestrial life, andcalled for a renewal of funding for SETI:
In addition to a renewed search with the latest technology, the reinstatement of funding for SETI would allow a systematic examination of these intriguing questions. It would also repair the artificial programmatic divorce between the search for microbial and intelligent life, which, despite engaging different scientific communities, are part of the same research problem. And I believe SETI would be supported by the public, which as always is interested in life beyond Earth, whether microbial or intelligent.
Earlier in May a subcommittee of the House Science Committee heard evidence of the latest astronomical findings concerning exoplanets, and the need to continue funding such research. There are many congressional members sympathetic to NASA and its budgetary needs despite the strict fiscal conservatism of the Republican Party that has led to cut backs in NASA funding. The White House has submitted a budget for NASA of $17.7billion for 2014, which is a slight decrease from 2012. It is not certain that NASA will even get this which is a worry to its supporters.
This latest Congressional meeting comes roughly seven months after a mock congressional hearing involving six former members of Congress. The Citizen Hearings on Disclosure examined evidence of a UFO cover-up and that we are being visited by various extraterrestrial civilizations. The former congressional members did not think it likely that the current Congress would take up any time soon the issue of extraterrestrial life, or at least claims of a cover-up. Yet here we are six months later and Congress has indeed begun openly discussing extraterrestrial life, though not evidence of a cover-up.
Curiously, current members of the U.S. Congress are open to discussing extraterrestrial life in the context of the latest astronomical data provided by NASA, yet won’t hear from former NASA employees and astronauts about what they know of a cover-up. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, for example, has been very prominent in speaking out about the cover-up for over a decade. Indeed he testified by live video before the Citizen Disclosure Hearing. Yet don’t expect the House Committee to call upon Dr Mitchell soon to testify. The official stance seems to be that discussion of extraterrestrial life is now fine as long as it’s done in the context of NASA’s discoveries of exoplanets, but don’t discuss the possibility of a cover up by NASA employees and others. That way NASA can get funds for more efforts to find alien life somewhere in deep space, while ridiculing those claiming that NASA has already discovered ET much closer to home.
© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.
Are Archons Greys?
Modern ufology usually postulates that
aliens come from another planet or
dimension. But what if they've been here
since the dawn of time? The Gnostic
alien theory by John Lash claims, that
aliens are Archons, devoid and corrupt
cousins of man put here by celestial
forces that created humans as well.
aliens come from another planet or
dimension. But what if they've been here
since the dawn of time? The Gnostic
alien theory by John Lash claims, that
aliens are Archons, devoid and corrupt
cousins of man put here by celestial
forces that created humans as well.
The Archons were whispered about in
texts after the burning of the library at
Alexandria with some mention of these
mysterious beings. But the powers that
be spent 1,300 years cleaning up
the records and had written out the
Archons from our history.
In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi in Egypt and,
on these texts was a story of what the Nag Hammadi people, 2,000
years ago, thought the world was about.
texts after the burning of the library at
Alexandria with some mention of these
mysterious beings. But the powers that
be spent 1,300 years cleaning up
the records and had written out the
Archons from our history.
In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi in Egypt and,
on these texts was a story of what the Nag Hammadi people, 2,000
years ago, thought the world was about.
The word Archon means a ruler and primordial. According to the myth,
they were created by a celestial interdimentional entity, Sofia, who
was pleiroma with other Aeons, and thus partly emancipation of
wholeness of the Heavenly Father. The Archons are a spinoff of
Sophia, and devoid because they had not
been approved with the other Aeons.
they were created by a celestial interdimentional entity, Sofia, who
was pleiroma with other Aeons, and thus partly emancipation of
wholeness of the Heavenly Father. The Archons are a spinoff of
Sophia, and devoid because they had not
been approved with the other Aeons.
This happened billions of years ago, before the solar system was born.
These celestial consciousnesses are hard to imagine, since they come
outside of space and time. A materialized neonate-type of Archon would
appear to be quiet, psychotic and prone to lying.
These celestial consciousnesses are hard to imagine, since they come
outside of space and time. A materialized neonate-type of Archon would
appear to be quiet, psychotic and prone to lying.
1976 life on Mars controversy resurrected in new scientific report
View of Mars taken by the Viking Mission in 1976
A team of scientists and mathematicians analyzing data from the 1976 Viking Mission have concluded that life on Mars was detected in one of the four experiments conducted by the two robotic landers. Their report, “Complexity Analysis of the Viking Labeled Release Experiments,” released last week in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences has resurrected a controversy over the results of the Viking Mission’s “Labeled Released experiment” designed by Dr Gilbert Levin. The Viking mission was the only Mars mission so far that was designed by NASA to detect life. Dr Levin was confident that the experiment had detected microbial life on Mars, but his NASA colleagues disagreed and his startling finding was forgotten in the Martian sands of time. This new scientific investigation has concluded that Levin was right all along. SEE MORE HERE!
Bill Kirklin
Witness to Eisenhower being at Holliman in 1955
He said, well, there's one hovering there. I said” what’s it made out of?” He said, “ polished metal.”
PH: I have pictures of you, because I was going to try to catch you in Laughlin, and I didn't. When you talked about Santa Claus, is that a code name? That's a code name that had been used by the astronauts.
Yes, the astronauts were gathered together and told not to talk about any kitchen items, pancakes, because --
PH: Now you said you were working in Houston. In what capacity?
I was was working on the trainers, along with three hundred other people.
PH: Trainers of?
The Apollo Project.
PH: Going to the moon. And just so I get this straight, what are the years?
1965 through 1969.
PH: And they weren't going to come out and use the word UFO, so they used these kitchen words.
The astronauts were told -- now this is hearsay, because I wasn't there, but I heard from somebody who was there -- that they were told not to reveal anything about kitchen items flying. Pancakes, dishes, or cups. They didn't mention saucers, but the astronauts of course knew what he was talking about, and they didn't. So when Wally Shirra went around the earth, he said, "Houston, there is a Santa Claus."
PH: Okay, so that was very clear for anybody that knew.
Anybody that knew what the astronauts had been told, not to reveal it through talking among themselves, or with families, or anybody about flying kitchen objects. Then when one of the astronauts went around the far side of the moon and came out on the dark side, he said, "Houston, there is a Santa Claus, and he is big!"
PH: (Laughs) Okay, now when you were working in Houston, did you have a Top Secret clearance?
No, just Secret.
PH: And were you working on technology, or just computers?
I was a computer specialist.
PH: Were you interested in those days in this kind of thing? Was it a rumor or something that got you interested?
Bill Kirklun
April 2009
BK: I was at Georgia AFB in 1954 and Holliman AFB in 1955. At Georgia AFB, President Eisenhower landed at Norton AFB which was an Air Material Command, and a friend of mine who went to the same technical school that I did, went down in an ambulance to provide additional support to Burton, which was a small base.
PH: Where is Norton AFB?
BK: That's in San Bernardino. And I asked him what happened when Eisenhower landed. He said he got out, met with people, then immediately climbed aboard a C-45 and went toward Edwards AFB. I don't know why he did that, it was a weird situation.
PH: So you thought that was strange. And did you think it was strange that he had flown in to Edwards?
BK: The President could fly in to anywhere he wanted to. But he would probably never fly into White Sands. No one would ever do that unless they had to, because they had the atomic bombs, and everyone was running around with guns and everything else. He, as the President, was entitled to full military honors, which includes a parade. Well, I didn't know whether he got one at Norton or not, but it didn't sound like he did. He didn't when I was at Holloman AFB. The day before he was supposed to land, the parade was called off. When I went to work, I was approached by the nurse, who said, "Where is Dorsey?" He was the officer in charge of me. I said, "I don't know." Someone said, "I saw him, he's taking his wife to the Commissary, he'll be in later."
PH: And who was he?
BK: He was one of the airmen. Dorsey Moore was his name. That was in the morning. At coffee break, I saw two officers, one in white, one in blue. At Holloman, the only wore blues, class A's, in the wintertime. So I know it was December, January or February. These two officers were both pilots. The one on the right wore blues, the one on the left said, "I'm Officer of the Day." He said, "Air Force One came in." That was the first time I had ever heard of Air Force One. I asked what happened, and he said he landed, then he turned around and stopped. He said, "We were told to turn off the radar." Now why were we told to turn off the radar?
PH: Exactly, why? That's interesting.
BK: He said, "I don't know, we just turned it off." And the other guy said, "I heard that the one that was shot down by Roswell was brought down through radar."
PH: That's the whole key. That's the key phrase right there, you got it.
BK: Yes.
PH: The words Roswell and radar.
BK: So with that, I continued to listen to them. One of the comments they made was, "Did you see the alien autopsy?" and the other one said, "Yes." He said, "Do you think it's real?" and the other said, "I don't know." That was the one in blues. So what happened? He said it came out over the mountains, across the monument, and the other guy said, "I don't remember that." He said, "I don't know, I'm telling you what I saw." He said one landed in front of his plane, and the other one hovered overhead like it was protecting it.
PH: White Sands is near Holloman?
BK: Yes, it's only twelve miles away.
PH: So White Sands is near Holloman, and these two guys were having a conversation in front of you.
BK: Yes. One said that the President got out of his plane and walked to the craft on the ground, and he said the door opened, and he walked inside. How long was he inside? Forty to forty-five minutes. Were they grey? He said, I don't know if they were grey. He said, I couldn't see them, I didn't have binoculars. The guys in the tower had binoculars, but they didn't have the view.
As they continued to talk, one of them said, "Can radio waves go through plastic?" The other asked why, and he said, "Because I think that that aircraft has got radar." That's the President's plane. Then the door opened, and the President came back out and walked to his aircraft. He was there for forty to forty-five minutes and then he just came back out and walked into his plane.
PH: So what are you thinking?
BK: I'm not thinking anything.
PH: You're thinking nothing? You think this is normal?
BK: I said to them, are you pilots? And they covered up their nameplates so I couldn't see who they were. He was the Officer of the Day on the day the Presiden'ts plane landed. I went to work, continued working until about eleven, when I had to go after the mail for the office. There was a new Second Lieutenant there, and he said, "Kirklun, I've been looking for you. Did you see anything down at the flight line?" I said no, and the reason I said no was because, when Dorsey came in after about 8:15 or so, he said, "Kirklun, have you seen the disc down on the flight line?" I said, "No, what's it made out of?" I'm thinking it's a little metal thing with some paint on it.
PH: Did you do this on purpose?
BK: (indignant) No!
PH: You really didn't know?
BK: I really didn't. He said, well, there's one hovering there. I said,”What's it made out of?” He said, “ polished metal.” I asked how big it was, and he told me twenty or thirty feet. I said I'd like to see it, and he told me to go out in the front of the hospital and look out on the flight line. I said, with my luck, it wouldn't be there when I got there. He said it was there when I took my wife to the Commissary, and it was there when I got back. That was about thirty minutes. I said, well, I'll have to ask. Because in the military, you're on 24/7. You can't leave your assigned station. So I asked the nurse if I could go and she turned around and looked at the doctor and said, no, you can't go. So I didn't go out, and I didn't see a thing. After work, right after lunch, when I was going out for coffee, I saw Dorsey coming back from wherever he was. I asked him where he'd been, and he said he was at a meeting. I said, go tell the nurse, because they want to know where you are.
After work, I was called out of my room because Air Force One was flying out. I had to jump high to see it, because it was flying very low.
PH: So you saw something flying out, and you were told it was Air Force One, which meant Eisenhower.
BK: Right. That's the only thing I saw. After supper, I looked out and saw the Flight Surgeon's office. Part of my job is to make sure it's locked up at night, so I walked over there and went in. The doctor was talking to a Lieutenant Colonel who was dressed in blues. The Lieutenant was saying, "I am telling you what I saw. There was standing room only, and I was on stage with him. There were two hundred and twenty-five men each time." The doctor said, "I heard he spoke at the theater." He said he might have, he only spoke for a couple of minutes and then the Base Commander spoke for about twenty minutes. He had plenty of time to go to the theater and come back. He said, "I saw on stage with me, twice, two hundred and twenty-five men each time." I said, who? and he said, the Commander-In-Chief. I said, the President? and he said, the Commander-In-Chief. So he's not going to change his response. I said, "What did he talk about?" He said, "It's classified." I said, "Confidential?" And he said, "Higher." I said, "Secret?" He said, "Higher. It's none of my business, and I would not say it if I were you." That is what happened there.
That's my involvement at Holloman, but it's not my involvement in everything. I went into computers, and then I went to Motorola. My boss there told me that they had made a 120-150 year jump in technology in diodes and polytransistors.
PH: What year was it when he told you this?
BK: Before 1965. Maybe 1962 or 1963. I asked where they got this technology, and he said, "Backward engineering from a foreign object." I said, Russian? and he said he didn't know where it came from.
PH: Well in 1964 or 1965, that's when Colonel Philip Corso said he was working on back engineering. That's when he got the okay to give money to these contractors to back engineer stuff they'd already been working on.
BK: Yes! About a week later, one of the electrial engineers told me that they were doing something with backward engineering. They were using a calculator that was carrying thirty digits of accuracy. Why do you need thirty digits of accuracy? The only place you'd need that is in space.
PH: So when you were hearing these conversations, did it bother you, or did you think it was normal?
BK: I just thought it was none of my business. I never paid any attention to this from 1955 to 1995. Then I heard Bob Dean on the radio, saying there was an Air Force One crew member that landed at Holloman and went aboard a UFO. And I said, my god, I was there! That's when I became a believer.
PH: How did you come forward?
BK: I wrote to Mike Murphy and was on his radio show a couple of times, and I went down to the Ozarks and was supposed to talk to him, but I couldn't do it. He couldn't make it. I went at a different time, and I was not impressed with the Ozark conference.
PH: Do you want me to print that?
BK: You can print that.
PH: Linda Howe goes to the Ozark conference.
BK: Linda Howe was doing her own thing, she was not interested in anything that I had to say. So I'm not interested in following Linda, because I told her the same thing and she just let it go.
PH: I'm trying to understand this.
BK: Don't try to understand it. As a result, I worked on getting a letter to Mike, and I was on his radio show three times. When I was at the Ozark conference, one of the men said, if you have anything about this, I'd like to have a copy of it and you can mail it to Art Campbell. So I got contact with Campbell and sent him some information. Art did research on it, verified and validated it by interviewing other people and investigating it. Dr. Michael Salla investigated some of it himself. I'm not investigating this, I'm not interested in it. I'm not writing a book.
PH: No, but you're a firsthand witness, and those are so rare. Tell me, in the whole time you were talking about this, did you feel like it was dangerous?
BK: If I had come out with this information thirty years ago, I'd probably be dead.
PH: But you think it's okay today?
BK: Yes, and that was because of Steven Greer presenting it and others coming forth.
PH: Since you've spoken, do you think other people will come forward?
BK: No, I got in contact with some of the other people who were at Holloman, and they will not come forward. They took the oath, and they took it seriously.
PH: Colonel Corso told me that the oath is not valid after twenty-five years.
BK: I don't care what he said, they took the oath.
PH: So the oath is valid till you die?
BK: As far as they were concerned, yes. Some of the people that I know were Mormons, and some were not. They took the oath, they're keeping it.
PH: I think we might get a few to say something eventually. It matters. I think that eventually there will be others.
BK: This is as important as Moses leaving Egypt, and Jesus walking the earth, as the atomic bomb. It is an important part of our history, and it has been denied.
PH: You've got it. You are one courageous person, and I really commend you for doing this. You know, it puts it in another perspective because we're dealing with the 1950's, we're dealing with a major head of state. I interviewed Clifford Stone and he told me that he had in his home some footage that he told me was part of the Holloman landing, but that disappeared out of his home. Have you heard that there was film taken? Do you know if there is any film footage out there?
BK: There might have been two landings at Holloman. There was one in 1955 and there might have been one later, in 1963 or 64, or something like that. I don't know. I know he got out of the airplane and went to a UFO. That's as much as I know, or am going to admit to.
PH: Have you heard that there was footage?
BK: I had heard that, and I had heard that there was footage while he was at Edwards. But he never entered a UFO at Edwards.
PH: So you never saw any footage. But rumor-wise, what kind of beings have you been told were in there? They weren't greys, obviously.
BK: Well, they might have been. I don't know, because the officers didn't see. But Eisenhower was there for forty or forty-five minutes. He must have been talking to someone. They might have been telepathic, but ...
PH: And this thing about Cardinal McIntyre, where does that come in?
BK: That's 1954 at Edwards. It was closed down at about the time of Eisenhower's visit, and I wondered who had died. There were two instances that I knew of when Edwards was closed down.
PH: So where does McIntyre come into all this?
BK: McIntyre was with Eisenhower at Edwards.
PH: Did that seem strange?
BK: I don't know, I'm not Catholic.
PH: But neither was he, nor was Eisenhower.
BK: Yes.
PH: He was Catholic?
BK: No. When I went to the Department of Agriculture, one of the things that I did was I was on President Nixon's other operational services. And I found out from the former auditor that the two biggest payments for crops grown in Kansas were made to the Queen of England and the Catholic Church. The Queen of England owns an awful lot of land in Kansas and the Catholic Church owns more. That's separate and distinct from everything else.
PH: No, that goes along with the conspiracy theories about who owns the planet. I'm thinking that McIntyre's being there is not normal.
BK: What is normal for this?
PH: This is like a planned meeting with the major powers that be, including the Church. Okay, what was the earlier name of Holloman AFB? Was it Alomogordo?
BK: Yes, it was.
PH: I have to put you in touch with someone else, then, who just contacted me. His father was involved in an Alomogordo meeting and he didn't want to use the word --(laughs). He's had all kinds of trouble with the NSA, and his father was involved there, and he wants to talk about this. The thing is that these two bases are very pivotal in ET landings.
BK: It would be pivotal to find out that the President of the United States met with ET's. That is pivotal information. Where he first saw a UFO was probably at Edwards. There might have been agreements made with other people. I have no idea.
PH: Do you know a piece of film footage in a documentary called, "It Has Begun?" It was done by Robert Emmenager and I think it was Moore, and they used a real piece of footage of a craft coming down at, I think, Edwards. Have you heard that?
BK: I heard they were filming UFOs at Edwards. He never went aboard a craft at Edwards. He went at Holloman. I can't go any further than that.
PH: Are you curious to find out more?
BK: I know that Eisenhower went aboard an ET craft.
PH: But do you want to find out what they said?
BK: I'm not really that curious. I never took an oath, I have not violated any secrets as far as I know, I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, I'm telling the public my part of the story.
PH: But why aren't you curious?
BK: Because I know that Eisenhower met with these ET's, so I know that ET's exist. So I'm not curious about that.
PH: But you're not curious about their conversation? I've had people come up to me and say, isn't it terrible, the government is cooperating with ET's? And I say, I don't know that.
BK: The reason it's probably top secret or higher is that in 1938, the War of the Worlds radio show was broadcast as a news item. The public became so upset over this that they took over the telephone exchanges from San Francisco all the way up to Maine. The military couldn't get anything out, which probably upset the military more than anything else. That probably affected them telling people that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor. They weren't able to get their messages through.
PH: What do you think in 2009? Do you think they still have this feeling about the public?
BK: I think they think the public is too damn dumb to know. And they have controlled our foreign policy through fear. We have medicines that are killing other things, and our military posture is that these are our big hammers. Killing. That's what we do. We operate through a world of fear.
Biographical Data
NASA logo linking to NASA Home Page
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
NASA Photo of Walter Schirra Walter M. Schirra (Captain, USN, Ret.)
NASA Astronaut (Deceased)
PERSONAL DATA: Born March 12, 1923, in Hackensack, New Jersey. Died on May 2, 2007. Survivors include his wife, daughter and son.
EDUCATION: Newark College of Engineering (N.J.I.T.), 1941; U.S. Naval Academy, 1942-1945 B.S.; Safety Officers School (U.S.C.), 1957; U.S. Navy Test Pilot School (N.A.T.C.) 1958; NASA Astronaut Training, 1959-1969; Honorary Doctorate in Astronautical Engineering, Lafayette College, 1969; Honorary Doctorate in Science, U.S.C., 1969; Honorary Doctorate in Astronautics, N.J.I.T., 1969; Trustee, Detroit Institute of Technology, 1969-1976; Advisor, Colorado State University, 1977-1982; Trustee, National College, South Dakota, 1983-1987.
AWARDS: The Collier Trophy, 1962; Kincheloe Award, SETP, 1963; Haley Astronautics Award - AIAA, 1963, 1969; Harmon International Trophy, 1965.
AWARDS-MILITARY: U.S. Navy Distinguished Service Medal; Distinguished Flying Cross (3); Air Medal (3); NASA Distinguished Service Medal (2); NASA Exceptional Service Medal (1); Philippines Legion of Honor (Commander).
HALLS OF FAME INDUCTED: International Aviation Hall of Fame, San Diego, CA, 1970; New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame, Teterboro, NJ, 1977 (approx.); International Space Hall of Fame, Alamagordo, NM, 1981; National Aviation Hall of Fame, Dayton, OH, 1986.
CLUBS: Society of Experimental Test Pilots (Fellow), 1958- present; AAS (Fellow), 1960-present; Explorers Club (Fellow) 1965-present; Makai Country Club, Kauai (Princeville), Hi, 1971-present; Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club, 1985-present; San Diego Yacht Club, 1987-present; Charlie Russell Riders, Charter Member, 1985-present; Rancheros Visitadores, Member, 1989-present; Desert Caballeros, Member, 1989-present; Durango Mountain Caballeros, Member, 1989-present; Q.E.D., San Diego, Ca, 1989-present; The Golden Eagles, (Naval Aviators), 1989- present.
NASA EXPERIENCE: Captain Schirra was one of the seven Mercury Astronauts named by NASA in April 1959. On October 3, 1962; he piloted the six orbit Sigma 7 Mercury flight; a flight which lasted 9 hours, 15 minutes. The spacecraft attained a velocity of 17,557 miles per hour at an altitude of 175 statue miles and traveled almost 144,000 statute miles before re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. Recovery of the Sigma 7 spacecraft occurred in the Pacific Ocean about 275 miles northeast of Midway Island.
Schirra next served as backup command pilot for the Gemini III Mission and on December 15-16, occupied the Command Pilot seat on the history-making Gemini 6 flight. The highlight of this mission was a successful rendezvous of Gemini 6 with the already orbiting Gemini 7 spacecraft, thus, accomplishing the first rendezvous of two manned maneuverable spacecraft and establishing another space first for the United States. Known as a “text book” pilot, Schirra remained in the spacecraft following his Mercury and Gemini flight and is the first Astronaut to be brought aboard recovery ships twice in this manner. With him on Gemini 6, was Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford.
He was the Command Pilot on Apollo VII, the first manned flight test of the three direction United States spacecraft. Apollo VII began on October 11, 1968, with Command Module Pilot Donn F. Eisele and Lunar Module Pilot Walter Cunningham. Schirra participated in, and executed, maneuvers enabling crew members to perform exercises in transposition and docking and orbit rendezvous with the S-IVB stage from the Saturn IB launch vehicle. The mission completed eight successful tests and maneuvering ignitions of the service module propulsion engine, measured the accuracy of performance of all spacecraft systems, and provided the first effective television transmission of on-board crew activities. Apollo VII was placed in an orbit with an apogee of 153.5 nautical miles and a perigee of 122.6 nautical miles.
The 260 hour 4.5 million mile shake down flight was concluded on October 22, with splashdown occurring in the Atlantic some 8 miles from the carrier Essex (only 3/10 of a mile from the originally predicted aiming point). Captain Schirra has logged a total of 295 hours and 15 minutes in space. He is unique in that he is the only Astronaut to have flown Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.
BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: Director, Imperial American (Oil & Gas), 1967, 68, 69; President, Regency Investors (Leasing), 1969-1970; Founder, Environmental Control Co. (ECCO), 1970-1973; Director, J.D. Jewel (Chicken Comp.) 1971, 72, 73; Director, First National Bank, Englewood, Co., 1971-1978; Belgian Consulate for Colorado and New Mexico, 1971-1984; Director, V.P., Chairman, Sernco, 1973-1974; Director, Rocky Mountain Airlines, 1973-1984; Director, Carlsberg Oil & Gas, 1974, 1975; V. P., Johns-Manville Sales Corp., Denver, Co, 1975, 76, 77; Director, Advertising Unlimited, Sleepy Eye, MN, 1978-87; Director, Electromedics, Denver, Co, 1979-1985; President, Prometheus Systems, Inc., 1980-1981; Director, Finalco (Leasing Co.), McLean, Va, 1983-1988; Director, Cherokee Data Systems, Boulder, Co, 1984-1986; Director, Net Air Int., Van Nuys, Ca, 1982-1989; Director, Kimberly-Clark, Neenah, Wi, 1983-1991; Independent Consultant, Schirra Enterprises, 1979-Present; Director, Zero Plus Telecommunications, Inc., Campbell, Ca, 1986-Present.
CIVIC ACTIVITIES: Advisory Committee, Oceans Foundations, San Diego, Ca, 1985-present; Advisory Board/Council, U.S. National Parks (Interior), 1973-1985; Director, Denver Organizing Committee for 1976 Olympics, 1973-1975; Advisor, Flight for Life, Mercy Hospital, Denver, Co, 1978-1986; Trustee, Colorado Outward Bound School ( COB), 1970-1974; COB Regional Trustee, 1988-present; Advisory Board, International "Up With People", 1976-present; Founder/Director, Mercury Seven Foundation, 1982-present; Director, San Diego Aerospace Museum, 1984-present; Trustee, Scripps Aquarium, 1985-present; International Council, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, Ca, 1989-present; Sharps Hospital, Foundations Board, San Diego, Ca, 1988- present.
PUBLICATIONS: We Seven, 1960; Schirra's Space, 1988.
MAY 2007

Media Alert
October 27, 2011
Wall Street Journal exposes Government Extraterrestrial Wall of Secrecy
The X-Factor revealing the truth about UFOs
Toronto [ZNN] – Wall Street may be occupied but the prestigious Wall Street Journal is indeed ‘occupied’ by matters of the Extraterrestrial kind.
The Wall Street Journal, America’s esteemed and largest selling newspaper by circulation, has made a daring editorial decision to cover the We the People Petition to the White House to acknowledge an ET presence now engaging the planet.
In light of a precedent setting on-line article by WSJ journalist Laura Meckler, there appears to be an unambiguous move by the ownership of the WSJ [News Corporation] to expose what the government may be withholding about the matter of extraterrestrials. Her article may represent the first real attempt in contemporary mainstream journalism to expose the US government’s wall of secrecy around the UFO/ET issue and reveal the powerful political and national security implications of the UFO/ET issue.
Meckler wrote: “When the White House promised to answer citizen petitions on the most pressing problems of the day, it may not have had extraterrestrial life in mind.”
In Meckler’s interview with Stephen G. Bassett – sponsor of the ET petition, Bassett said: "The fact is that there is an extraterrestrial presence. I know this because I'm familiar with the research and a couple of hundred government witnesses have come forward in the last couple of years. Acknowledging this E.T. presence is about open government."
Read more here!
Science? Fiction?
For 41 years Stanton Friedman, SB'55, SM'56, has traveled the world with a simple message: UFOs are real.
The kid knew his teacher was wrong. And looking back, there was never really a chance that he would let it go. It was the middle of the school year, 1943, and Mrs. Rose Gutkin was giving her fifth graders in Linden, New Jersey, an astronomy lesson: the sun, she explained, remains motionless, and all the planets orbit around it. But Stanton Friedman had just read in his encyclopedia that the whole solar system, including the sun, orbits the center of the galaxy. "At 12 miles a second," he says. "That impressed the heck out of me. I mean, that's fast."
So Friedman raised his hand, corrected his teacher, and got a dressing-down. The next day he brought the encyclopedia to school. "And she reluctantly agreed that, well, maybe that's the way it was."
Almost seven decades later, Friedman, SB'55, SM'56, still tells this story—in vivid, exuberant detail—to give people a sense of who he is: a methodical researcher, a steadfast debater, an investigator, a scholar. A scientist.
He's gotten used to proving his qualifications, convincing people that he's serious and, occasionally, that he's sane. Since 1970 Friedman, who half a lifetime ago worked as a nuclear physicist with a government security clearance, has been a full-time ufologist—that is, someone who studies unidentified flying objects. In national archives and presidential libraries, Friedman pores over declassified documents and scientific reports on UFO sightings and unexplained aerial events. At times his job is not unlike detective work: tracking down witnesses and collecting their testimony, chasing leads that turn up in his reading or that come to him, as they sometimes do, from someone confiding a name or a place or a piece of evidence. Friedman claims to be the "first civilian investigator" at Roswell, New Mexico, where many people believe that in July 1947 a spaceship crashed in the desert. Indeed, it was largely Friedman's digging, starting in the late 1970s, that brought widespread attention to Roswell, an incident that had been all but forgotten.
Carl Sagan knew UFOs are real - confidant reveals
But Sagan kept his viewpoint quiet to avoid losing academic funding
ZNN - Renowned astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan revealed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real but avoided any public statements to prevent the loss of academic research funding. Sagan's once powerful influence on mainstream science to play-down the reality of UFOs is now in question.
In an interview with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi-Harrisshe told ZlandCommunications:
“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.’' "
This startling revelation about Carl Sagan, one of this century’s most esteemed scientists and writers, has now been made public by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a former associate of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked with him from 1980 to 1985.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book from 1952 to1969, initially taking a very critical and skeptical position on anything related to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:
"I had started out as an outright 'debunker,' taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those 'flying saucer groups and enthusiasts' who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. "The Hynek UFO Report". Dell Publishing Co. 1977
After leaving Project Blue Book - the U.S. Air Force’s pseudo-investigatory public relations scheme on UFOs, Hynek later wrote:
"Now, however, documentation which puts the UFO- U.S. government controversy in quite a new light has become available. The [UFO] authors have made revealing use of documents released through the mechanism of the Freedom of Information Act and other data which have been made available to them… which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of interest in UFOs are nothing short of prevarication."
Hynek went on to say: "For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released and of other cogent evidence presented in this book is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people." "The UFO Cover-Up." (Fireside books, Simon & Schuster 1984)
Hynek’s credentials are indeed impressive, having consulted on theStephen Spielberg movie Close Encounters. As well he presented a paper on UFOs at the UN in 1978. (All Experts)
Sagan’s link to UFOs and possibly to Dr. Hynek occurred in 1966 when Sagan was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book. This committee concluded that the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book had been lacking as a scientific study, and recommended a university-based project to give the UFO phenomenon closer scientific scrutiny.
In scientific circles much of Sagan’s notoriety came from debates conducted under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 1969 he challenged J. Allen Hynek on whether investigations of unidentified flying objects should be considered serious. Hynek argued yes Sagan no. (NNDB)
Sagan was a prolific writer of some 20 books including Contact – eventually made into a movie staring Jodie Foster. Sagan also hosted the brilliantly crafted and highly popular series COSMOS: A Personal Voyage. In Episode 12: “Encyclopedia Galactica”, Sagan explored UFOs and alien abductions while also including ‘refutations’ on UFOs.
In a statement at the 1968 Congressional Hearings before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics - U.S. House of RepresentativesCarl Sagan stated:
“As I understand what the committee would like from me, is a discussion of the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life… clearly it is the hypothesis that unidentified objects are of extraterrestrial origin which the committee must have in mind. I'm delighted to tell about contemporary scientific thinking along these lines, but let me begin by saying that I do not think the evidence is at all persuasive, that UFO's are of intelligent extraterrestrial origin...”
Sagan’s confidential conversation with Dr. Hynek in 1984 appears to not only contradict this statement to the House Committee in 1968, Sagan’s new found view - that UFOs were real - clearly did not play any role in Sagan’s later highly successful public work.
This revelation by Paola Leopizzi-Harris appears to raise serious scientific discrepancies concerning Sagan’s public verses private beliefs about the nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.
It appears, therefore that Carl Sagan presumably embarked upon his many television appearances, consulting on major television and Hollywood feature productions as well as his own academic writing while professing one public scientific point of view, yet maintaining a significantly contradictory personal belief – “I know UFOs are real…” as told to Dr. J. Allen Hynek in 1984 according to Paola Leopizzi-Harris.
In later years Sagan also heavily promoted SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which discounts UFOs as an ET reality - advancing the theory that listening for signals from deep space may help locate intelligent ET civilizations. [Ed.note - SETI officials were contacted by ZlandCommunications for a comment on this matter – however at the time of publication no response had yet been received.]
It is unknown how long Sagan held this personal view or when and what changed his mind – future disclosures may reveal this. That Sagan presented much of his finest and most popular work outside the context of his personal belief that UFOs were real remains a salient incongruity for a man of Sagan’s stature, obvious integrity and celebratory contributions to humanity and science.
One can only speculate upon why, during the period between Sagan’s initial statement in 1968 and all during his now legendary writings and media productions, Sagan continued to espouse critical views on the reality of UFOs. Why did his views change so dramatically? Did funding issues alone motivate him not to come forward publicly to declare his change-of-mind?
This revelation made to Paola Leopizzi-Harris by a well-respected scientific figure like Dr. J. Allen Hynek alters if not the magnificent quality of Sagan’s work but re-constructs his considerable scientific influence on the mainstream scientific theories about the universe, the intelligent nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.
How will mainstream science respond knowing now that a corner stone of modern science and one of its most revered members is now recognized as to have conceded - UFOs are real?
Two conclusions emerge -
- One of the 20th Century’s most renowned space gurus and scientific leaders, appears to have inadvertently shattered the prevailing notion among the scientific community and the so-called experts, that UFOs are fictitious and that issue is does not merit further study.
- The second conclusion - short of full disclosure by government of the UFO/ET reality, this revelation most assuredly represents the most serious damage yet to the wall of secrecy and the truth embargo surrounding the Extraterrestrial presence so ardently maintained by government officials and bolstered by mainstream science.
Notably this information also comes at a time when Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence has publicly admonished another pillar of mainstream science, Professor Stephen Hawking, for contributing to misinformation about advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations. Hellyer’s admonishment is timely. It puts all scientists on notice that ponderous changes to their entrenched belief about the universe and Extraterrestrial life are about to occur.
Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Site: Articles=>
Exopolitics: Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life
by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
There is growing debate concerning ‘exopolitics’, which is oriented towards public policy issues concerning extraterrestrial life; and its relationship to UFOlogy, which primarily concerns itself with evidence concerning unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Supporters of exopolitics largely accept that the existence of extraterrestrial life has been abundantly demonstrated by a vast pool of evidence over the last sixty years provided by eyewitnesses, whistleblowers, scientists, ‘experiencers’ and leaked government documents. Supporters of exopolitics claim it is now time to focus on public policy aspects of this evidence, rather than maintain a myopic focus on proving to perennial skeptics that UFOs are real and a legitimate focus on scientific study. Indeed, exopolitics supporters believe that much of this skepticism is unwarranted and can be traced to the debunking recommended by the CIA appointed Robertson Panel in 1953. The panel delivered a report, the Durant Report, that recommended ridiculing the ‘flying saucer’ phenomenon and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, for national security reasons.
Many individuals are still trying to grasp what exopolitics is all about, and many ‘UFOlogists’ remain highly critical of exopolitics as an emerging disciplinary approach to public policy issues concerning extraterrestrial life. UFOlogists still have difficulty grasping that exopolitics is the forerunner to a legitimate academic discipline that will soon be established in every major university. Critics of exopolitics often tend to focus on some of the pioneers of exopolitical thought in terms of their methods and ideas, rather than the identifying the merits of a scholarly approach to public policy issues concerning extraterrestrial life.
The present situation is some ways analogous to the 19th century where there was much debate on how to prepare individuals for studying public policy issues for careers in international diplomacy and public office. Historians at the time argued that efforts to establish the discipline of 'political science' was ill founded, since the best preparation for a life dealing with public policy issues was to read historical works by Arnold Toynbee, Herodotus, Thucydides, etc. Well, political science developed anyway as an academic discipline out of the department of history since it fulfilled a functional need. The functional need was to better understand public policy issues and how individuals could be trained to professionally deal with these.
Political science is now the discipline of choice for those wanting to study public policy issues and to be professionally trained to work with these. During the 1860’s, political science departments began to emerge in many universities. Similarly, exopolitics will be the discipline of choice for those desiring to study public policy issues associated with extraterrestrial life since it fulfills a functional need. The functional need is to understand how extraterrestrial life impacts on public policy issues, and to professionally train to deal with these. Exopolitics will be first established in departments of political science as a legitimate sub-field as is currently the case with ‘international politics’, ‘foreign policy’, ‘comparative politics’, ‘political economy’, etc., in many political science departments. Eventually, exopolitics will emerge as a distinct department with an interdisciplinary focus spanning public policy issues relating not only to political science, but to exoscience, exoreligion, exodiplomacy, etc.
Debunkers and Ufologists in general are poor students of history not to have observed how academic disciplines and sub-fields develop to fulfill functional needs. They are remiss in not observing how exopolitics will fill the functional need for the systematic study of public policy issues concerning evidence of extraterrestrial life. The choice of the word 'exopolitics' to represent this nascent academic discipline has long term strategic value due to the functional need it fills. Furthermore, exopolitics is the term of choice to deal with public policy issues like the national security cover up of extraterrestrial life and technologies.
UFOlogy as a field has little academic future since the functional need it serves will quickly be settled once the existence of extraterrestrial life is accepted. The reality of UFOs will be moot once they have been publicly identified as ‘extraterrestrial’, ‘interdimensional’ or ‘intertemporal’ in origin. Those devoted to UFOlogy are missing a great opportunity to contribute to establishing legitimate social science parameters for exopolitical study. Exopolitics is here to stay as the discipline of choice for a new branch of knowledge that will revolutionize academic studies and the world as we know it.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Founder and President
Exopolitics Institute